"That Extra Half Inch..." An incomplete yet profound statement by Victoria Beckham. I was recently re-introduced into the concept of heels only to discover a 2010 world filled with colorful 6-inch stilettos and disco-barbie platforms. What a pleasant surprise it was! After three years of heel-less-hell, I have ascended into a whole new part of the shoe department.
Heels. They make you stand straighter and your legs look longer. I am tall, they help me stand taller, and I am strong, and they make me feel stronger. The last three years I dated a man equal to my height who was so uncomfortable with me being taller than him that my shoe closet was limited to flats and flip flops. At the time, I was happy to make this compromise, as it gave us both a reciprocal sense of pleasure and joy. We saw eye to eye. The shoe fit, and I wore it. Looking back, I think that our almost flawless relationship ended because he asked me to give up my height both in stature and in nature, and when I couldn't, it was a painful and sole-less (pun intended!) end.
I am going for some much earned retail therapy, and will hopefully find a perfect match, today, tomorrow, sometime soon. Shoes give you blisters, and may leave scars, but they heal (another pun!) just in time for you to put on another pair. I tried Jimmy Choo, but maybe I need a Manolo. I miss my old pair. They were broken in and I was ready to wear them for the rest of my life. But the heel suddenly broke, and the box they came in just didn't want to fit into my closet. I fell, and now I am looking for a shoe that will exert confidence when I have none, that will always give me a boost and never demand me to be smaller than I am, that will be comfortable, that will support me on the rockiest of roads, and a shoe that will fit like a glove.
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